Seven UI/UX concepts for truly next-gen LabVIEW

November 15, 2021, 12:31 – 12:38 UTC
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In this presentation, based on the great environment of the unfortunate LabVIEW NXG, I will go through the design and prototyping of my seven concepts for the future of LabVIEW user interface/experience as below:

1. Expandable terminals stack for connector pane; for a clean look and easy wiring.

2. Two-level (and fixed) zoom for block diagram: default view and extensive view of elements and layers with dedicated commenting.

3. Thicker wires for detailed wire data-type exposing and easy to grab. Wire thickening can apply only to the horizontal part of it.

4. Single tab approach for both front panel and block diagram. Clicking on the same, but visually different, tab would change it to the block diagram or front panel.

5. Section-view of the front panel indicators and controls inside the block diagram would be specifically useful by providing “notebook-like” programming for students and researchers.

6. Curved wire and up-down connection pattern for synchronization data flow, like massages and queues, to give a third-dimension flow feel of parallel computing.

7. AI-assisted code autocompletion and prediction overlay in the block diagram to keep up with this latest programming technology.

Murtaza Vefadar

I am a Ph.D. candidate in physics from Turkey. My main interest area is quantum information science and my current thesis subject is about developing microwave-optical converters for quantum computers. I enjoy coding with LabVIEW as it is my primary programming language to run experiments in our lab and do much more. I believe that a modernized LabVIEW can find its place among many other communities with a large extent of those in eastern countries.

Image of Murtaza Vefadar