Parallelism vs. Concurrency: Bridging the Gap

March 26, 2024, 08:20 – 08:35 UTC
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Have you ever heard something along the lines of ‘LabVIEW is so convenient for executing code in parallel’ probably you have and depending on your LabVIEW experience you may already know by this point that this person meant concurrent but not parallel. But do not worry if you do not know what I mean by concurrent, jump in with me and let me show you the differences between parallelism and concurrency and how they apply to LabVIEW.

Ramon Revuelta Gonzalez

I am a test systems engineer who loves LabVIEW and has been a Certified LabVIEW Architect for two years. I discovered LabVIEW during my undergraduate degree and have not stopped using it since! After years of learning and benefiting form the great LabVIEW community it is time for me to contribute with my presentation

Image of Ramon Revuelta Gonzalez