What to Expect When You're Expecting an Error

March 25, 2024, 23:00 – 23:45 UTC
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Connecting error wires across nodes on a block diagram is one of the most common, brainless tasks performed by a LabVIEW programmer.

Unfortunately, this often means that VI behavior in an error condition is a second thought, if it's even thought about at all.

This presentation will cover best practices in regards to the generation and propagation of errors on LabVIEW block diagrams.

You should come out of this presentation with the ability to write VIs that are not only functionally correct in an error condition, but also quickly and precisely convey their exact error behavior in an error condition.

Darren Nattinger

Darren Nattinger (DNatt) is a CLA who has worked at NI for over 25 years. He spent most of that time in LabVIEW R&D, thinking of and implementing editor features to delight LabVIEW programmers, but he is currently a Chief Techical Support Engineer, helping build up LabVIEW expertise in the NI tech support department. Darren is the 7-time undefeated (now retired) World's Fastest LabVIEW Programmer, and was the primary developer for LabVIEW features such as Quick Drop and the VI Analyzer Toolkit. His favorite LabVIEW framework is DQMH. Darren has a BS in Mechanical Engineering from UT Austin, and an MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Georgia Tech.

Image of Darren Nattinger